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Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Over Competent, Dilematic for Indonesia

Is it god or bad for our country

Ancients said parents looking for work is the first time on the things that easy. Make the application, just dating to the company that is being opened while a job qualification. We have never test psikotest, the interview only as a formality only.
Now the situation is very different, this era of "Hypercompetion" which the company must be able to compete or destroyed altogether. This is becoming one of the causes of strict competition among the applicants and encourage the exchange of a "barbaric". The first call may have only a boon for the majority of applicants, although not yet up to the interview stage.
Things can happen because the company make - distinction of criteria - on each applicants. It's that meet the criteria, there also does not meet the desired criteria, even as there are also criteria of the applicants so that the company's excess reluctant to accept. May be afraid to pay the salaries of more than standard. So bear the shame as it can not pay, many companies reject the candidate over the competent.
Related problems over competent, may be a lot of applicants coming from the sector of information technology has experience it, particularly applicants from Indonesia. Because based on survey data carried out by Thailand's government in 2003 to the experts the information technology (IT) that Indonesia is located on the top or in the superior, almost equivalent to the experts from the United States and India. Even far surpass the experts from the neighbor country, such as Malaysia, Thailand and even Singapore.
Of course this results overjoy because these findings do not directly indicate the recognition of the Indonesian human resources in IT field. Well that was the problem now is the job market, could indonesia accommodate people - because if people see, the ability that is almost equivalent to the American companies in Indonesia can not afford to accommodate. Consequently many of them try to find work in foreign countries where they are far more valued than in their own country.
On the one hand this is a good way out, they can be much more appreciated, compensation is also obtained, because the government is also happy to reduce unemployment, other side can increase income countries. But in the other cause problems because of long-term growth companies - foreign companies has been rise in the hands of Indonesian experts. Even appeared to be pitied if the company is coming to compete and participate in the country where the product offered was built by the hands of Indonesian experts.

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