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Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Tips for Car Rider

What can you do if your car broke down the middle of the journey. If close to the garage passable i think. But, what if it happened far from the garage. You must be headache, angry, crazy, hitting the car body, cursed the car, etc. really do not need to do if you know the tricks.
Well, here's an emergency solution that can be done by using objects - the objects around you.

"Remember, these tips only temporary. The rest, leave it to your mechanic"

Rain is a natural factor that can not or delayed arrival. And this is what often interfere with our eyes when I'm driving. Especially if your car air conditioner died, would bother happens. Want to open water would go, if not opened fogged glass.
Well, to deal fairly, apply shampoo sachets to your windshield with a rag and wipe the windshield clean and after that you windshield will clear again. Shampoo has a chemical element that can block water sediment. But remember, do not mix the shampoo with water. If it happens, you will be inconvenience because the shampoo will become frothy.

Soap Bars
Create the mothers - housewives, bar soap would have been familiar. His job was to wash clothes or to clean it - the kitchen smells. But not, if you believe the soap is also useful to patch a leak in the fuel tank of your car. Way is, take the soap and friction it on the surface of the tank which is leaking hole. Continue to do until there was a trickle of fuel.

White Eggs/Egg Protein
You must be wonder why the egg white/egg protein. Usually it's just material cake makers, or proteins to develop the body for the bodybuilder / fitness athletes. It turned out that egg whites/egg protein are also useful for patching a leaking car radiator. Way are, be sure to empty the radiator so the water does not re-act with egg white/egg protein. Then, take the egg white and then enter or paste the egg white on the leaking part. Do this at the time the radiator is still in hot conditions. Wait until the egg whites dry then fill again with water and see if there is leakage or not. If it still leaks repeat again from the beginning.

Soft Drink
If you've been always carried a soft drink in the car just to get rid of his thirst, it was used. From now on, make your soft drinks have a multi-function, in addition to eliminating hunger, as well as to help overcome the problems wet clutch slippage. Way are, open the hood, find the hole ignition timing, position in the pig's head bell housing (house transmission). Then flush the soft drinks with just need it, and then try to run the car. If it's walking, stop flushing. If not, do it again until the car can be up and running. Make sure that used soft drinks containing soda because the soda re-acts with asbestos materials on the clutch components that will improve the friction loss due to slippage.

Mineral Water
It's not just our bodies need water, such as cars also need water for the radiator. But there are also other functions of water in addition to the radiator, which is to replace the brake fluid when your car brake hose leak. Way are, cut the hose flat and cover with bolts (usually size 10), and open the brake fluid container lid and fill with mineral water. After that run your car slow / low speed until the brakes functioning.

Pen / pen
If your vehicle oil lines to leak, you can replace it with a pen with a flat cutting leaking hose and connect with a pen. Then tape each connection to prevent leakage.

Still in rainy conditions, your windshield wipers must have been bad and if this happen will bother you to view in clearly. So smoothly, try to take 1 or 2 sticks of cigarettes, tobacco torn wrapping paper and then take the tobacco and distribute them evenly to the surface of the glass. Rub gently. Remember, do not wipe, let the rain rinse it.

Cable and Paper Tin
While not all types of cars can apply this way, at least it can still be helpful for some people. Cable or cigarette wrapping foil is used only when a fuse in your car broke and you do not carry a spare. How to connect the end - the end of the wire that had peeled or foil into a fuse terminal.

Change Porseneling to Number 2
This way you do when the vehicle stalled on the highway or traffic lights. And this way is more suitable for you who are beginners or women and who use a car with manual transmission. The way is change your transmission into the number 2, starter for a count - / + 10 seconds without the clutch. Repeat continues to lead the steering wheel to the curb.